System Messages
Developer Release Notes
BeOS Release 4


B_META_MIME_CHANGED message is sent to applications that request notifications of changes to the system-wide MIME database.  To register for notifications by calling the new static BMimeType::StartWatching() function.

"be:type"B_STRING_TYPE The MIME type that changed.
"be:which"B_INT32_TYPE The type of change (new icon, new preferred app, whole new type, etc.).
"be:extra_type"B_STRING_TYPE This and the next field report changes to the icons of a supported type. This field is the supported type itself...
"be:large_icon"B_BOOL_TYPE ...and this is true if the large icon changed, and false if the little icon changed.


The new B_MODIFIERS_CHANGED message is sent to the focus view when the modifier keys change.  It's also sent to any other view that's spying on keyboard events as explained in SetMouseEventMask() function.

"when" B_INT64_TYPETime of the event in microseconds since 1/1/70.
"modifiers" B_INT32_TYPEVector of current modifier keys
"be:old_modifiers" B_INT32_TYPEVector of old modifier keys


The B_MOUSE_MOVED message has a new "view_where" field that returns the mouse's location in the coordinate system of the view over which the mouse is poised.


The new B_OPEN_IN_WORKSPACE message isn't really a system message -- at least not the type that's generated and sent by the system.  Rather, you create the message yourself, set its "be:workspace" field, and pass it to BRoster::Launch() in order to launch an app in a particular workspace.

"be:workspace"B_INT32_TYPE The index (0-based) of the desired workspace.


These messages are sent by the Roster when an app (any app) is launched, activated, or quits.  You register for these notifications through BRoster::StartWatching().

"be:mime_sig"B_STRING_TYPE The application signature.
"be:team"B_INT32_TYPE The app's team id.
"be:thread"B_INT32_TYPE The id of the app's main thread.
"be:flags"B_INT32_TYPE The app's app flags.
"be:ref"B_REF_TYPE The entry_ref of the app's executable file.


The B_TRANSLATION_MENU message is sent when the user selects a menu item that was added through the BTranslationUtils::AddTranslationItems() functions.

"be:translator"B_INT32_TYPE The translator's id.
"be:type"B_INT32_TYPE The four-byte value that identifies the format.

BeOS Release 4

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