BMediaRoster Class Summary

Method Summary

Method Description
Connect() Establishes a connection between a media source and a media destination
Disconnect() Terminates the specified connection
GetAudioInput() Returns the default node for audio or video input
GetAudioOutput() Returns the default node for audio or video output, or for auxio mixing
GetConnectedInputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's inputs that are connected to an output
GetConnectedOutputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's outputs that are connected to an input
GetDormantNodes() Obtains a list of dormant nodes (nodes that live in add-ons)
GetFileFormatsFor() Returns a list of file formats supported by a file interface node
GetFreeInputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's inputs that aren't in use
GetFreeOutputsFor() Obtains a list of a node's outputs that aren't in use
GetLatencyFor() Returns the maximum latency downstream from a producer
GetLiveNodes() Obtains a list of all active nodes
GetNodeFor() Returns a clone of a node specified by node_id
GetParameterWebFor() Returns a BParameterWeb for a controllable node
GetSystemTimeSource() Returns a clone of the system time source
GetTimeSource() Returns the preferred master clock for synchronization of nodes
InstantiateDormantNode() Instantiates a node that lives in an add-on
MediaFlags() Returns information about Media Kit capabilities
BMediaRoster() Constructor
PrerollNode() Asks that the specified node prepare to be started
RefFor() Returns the file that a node is working with
RegisterNode() Registers a node with the Media Server
ReleaseNode() Releases a node you've been using
Roster() Returns the default BMediaRoster instance
SeekNode() Requests that a node change its playing location
SetAudioInput() Sets the default node for audio or video input
SetAudioOutput() Sets the default node for audio or video output
SetOutputBuffersFor() Sets the BBufferGroup to be used by the specified media source
SetProducerRate() Tells a producer to resample its data rate by a specified factor
SetRefFor() Sets the file with which a node will work
SetRunModeNode() Specifies how a node should deal with falling behind while doing real-time processing
SetTimeSourceFor() Slaves a node to a specified time source
SniffRef() Ask all matching nodes to identify a file
SniffRefFor() Ask a specific node to identify a file
StartControlPanel() Starts a node's custom control panel
StartNode() Requests that a node start streaming data
StartWatching() Enables notifications when certain Media Server events occur
StopNode() Requests that a node stop streaming data
StopWatching() Cancels notifications of Media Server events
UnregisterNode() Unregisters a node with the Media Server

The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for BeOS Release 4.

Copyright © 1998 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last modified December 11, 1998.