** Operation **
Tapping a record displays its editing

To copy a record, tap the [Edit] menu
and then [Create Copy] to copy the
record and display the copy on an
editing screen.

Tap these buttons (which are located
at the top and bottom of the scroll
bar) to scroll between records.

This icon indicates that the record has
a memo attached to it. Tap this
button to display the memo. You can
edit the contents of a memo.

You can send Contacts data to Notes
and Mail. Tap this button and then use
the menu of options that appears to
select the program to which you want
to send the Contacts data. Doing so
starts up the applicable program and
displays a new record input screen
with the Contacts data entered

Tap this button to return to the list

Tap this button to create a new
Contacts record.

** Search **
Input the text you want to find into
the text box and then tap this button
to find all records with text that
matches your input.

This icon indicates that the records on
the screen are the result of a search.
This icon disappears when the search
is cancelled.

Tap this button to cancel a search.

Tapping the down button next to the
text input box displays a list of the last
10 text strings you recently searched
for. You can tap a text string in the list
to input it again.

Even when the results of a previous
search are on the display, you can
input more text and perform a new
search operation.

You can change the selected category
while the results of a previous search
are on the display.